MBT Therapists in Massachusetts
The following clinicians are highly trained providers of what we call “adherent” mentalization-based treatment (MBT)—that is, MBT that is consistent with the most up-to-date research and science about effective practice. We have trained many of them, and others are simply our close colleagues and collaborators. Depending on the specific practitioner, they provide a range of services, both virtually and in-person: individual therapy, group therapy, psychopharmacology, supervision, and diagnostic and treatment consultations. Feel free to reach out to them to inquire about their availability and specific offerings.
Kristin Beville, LICSW, MPH — kbeville@mgb.org
Brian Boyle, MD — bwboyle@mgb.org
Rebecca Coltin, LICSW — rcoltin@mgb.org [not currently accepting referrals]
Caleb Demers, LICSW — czdemers@mgb.org
Robert Drozek, LICSW — rdrozek@mclean.harvard.edu [not currently accepting referrals]
Justin Gillis, LICSW — jsgillis@mgb.org
Angela Hakkila, LICSW — angelabhakkila@gmail.com
Adam Henderson, MD — info@adamhendersonmd.com
Reuben Hendler, MD — rhendler@mgb.org
David Klee, RN, PCNS — david.a.klee@gmail.com
Geoffrey Liu, MD — 617-855-3860
Ana Rodriguez-Villa, MD, MBA — arodriguez-villa@mgb.org
Alexander Powers, MD — 617-925-9475
Matthew Schrock, PhD — mschrock@mclean.harvard.edu
Richard Seeber, MD — drseeber@drseeber.com; 415-779-2463
Diana Stern, MD — diana.stern@mgh.harvard.edu
Brandon Unruh, MD — bunruh@mgb.org
Hillary Woodworth, MD, PhD — hlwoodworth@mgb.org